On KSU’s rapidly expanding campus, this five-story, LEED Gold certified science laboratory provides a state-of-the-art teaching and learning environment for biochemistry, biotechnology, organic chemistry, synthetic chemistry research, and biology research disciplines. Focus areas include teaching labs, as well as faculty offices, administrative spaces, support spaces, greenhouse, and multi-story atrium.
Basement support systems include the main mechanical, electrical, and telecommunications equipment. Heat recovery units are employed on both general and fume hood exhaust, reducing the need for air reheat. Occupancy sensors regulate laboratory controls, such as lighting and air change rates. Sunshades carefully permit daylight into labs while reducing heat and glare. The labs utilize a complex system with chilled beam technology for ventilation and cooling. An energy recovery unit in the penthouse allows for recycling and extraction of heat in exhausted air for reuse in the building.
Also included within the facility are 39 laboratory fume hoods, biological safety cabinets and laminar airflow hoods, some with ADA accessibility. All lab fume hoods have exacting specifications for airflow face velocities for the protection of users. A biological cold room on the fourth floor provides an environment for cold-air experiments and storage.